“It works much smoother with you guys”
It is always fun to see how the Japanese exhibition centers turn into foreign ter ritory during pre paration for the motor shows. Most foreign car makers bring their display material and crews in from over seas, mainly Europe. We helped these crews work effect ively in Japan, through our trans lation services and technical expertise.
Welkam helped Japanese contractors and foreign crews collaboration on crucial construction details like electrical con nection and suspended rigs. When our clients had last-minute design changes or shipping damage problems, Welkam came through with materials and display deliveries in no time.
One of the crew leaders put it best: “I have worked with professional translators before, but they neither know our technical terms nor the possibilities on site. It works much smoother with you guys”
Date: October 22, 2005
Size: 2000m2 (21520 ft2)
Location: Tokyo (Big Sight), Japan
The well known automotive brands Volkswagen, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Aston Martin, and Bosch.