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ChinaPrint 2009, Apr 12 - 16

The Printing equipment industry is hit hard by the recent economic down turn, but the Chinese market still promises gains. So all the big players were there and presented themselves with sophisticated displays and shows. After many year of serving technotrans in Japan, this time we received the chance to show what we can also in Beijing. And we could! The preparation and set up went smoother as we thought so we had ample time to help with the set up of the machines.

Date: April 12, 2009
Size: 72m2 (775 ft2)
Location: Beijing, China

About The Client

technotrans concentrates on its core skill of liquid technology. For many years now, the company has been notably successful world-wide as a systems supplier to the printing industry.
The product range has been steadily broadened on the basis of the strategy of “more technotrans per printing press”. Its expertise in the field of liquid technology has also proved beneficial in other selected areas of application.